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How You Can Find a Good Locksmith in Glen Ellyn

Whenever you are spending your hard-earned money, you want to be sure you’ll be able to receive the best service possible, especially someone dealing in security. A locksmith should be chosen very wisely. Make no mistake about it, there are some really bad locksmiths out there. You don’t want to fall into the wrong hands. You need an efficient and trustworthy locksmith that you can trust will be able to handle the job. You don’t want a service provider that could care less and all they want is your money. When you start looking for a locksmith, there are some things that you should definitely consider. You may not know the process for finding a good locksmith and this is where we come in. Here are some simple guidelines to help you find a good locksmith, no matter where you live.

One thing you might not realize when you begin looking for a locksmith is that one locksmith company might place several ads to make it look like they are a different company. In actuality, you are contacting the same locksmith company. So think about it. When you contact a locksmith company in another area, it is probably the same one that you contacted closer to your area.

They also use a call center when responding to your requests. Unfortunately, when they send a locksmith to your location, it is usually someone that has had very little experience. They are able to get customers because they entice you by offering very low prices. However, you soon discover that this was just a way to draw you in. Once their locksmith is at your home, they will begin to go up on the price. This is called the bait and hook method of getting business. To make matters worse, there are some that will insist you pay with cash only and will not take credit card as a form of payment. You may not want the cheapest locksmith but you certainly don’t want the most expensive. What you want is a locksmith who will be efficient in their duties. Here are some things to look for when you seek the services of a good locksmith.

Look for Local Locksmiths

  • When contacting a company, listen for the company name when they pick up. If you’re contacting a call center they will not say the name of the company. If they don’t, this is not a good indication that you’re contacting a good locksmith service.
  • Check company reviews before using their services. Look at different customer review sites, not just one. It will give you a better picture of the type of service you will receive.
  • You might not know this but the address of the business is important. It actually is an indication as to whether or not the service is legit or not. It there isn’t one listed online ask them if they can verify their physical address. A legit business will provide you with one without hesitation.
  • If you ask for an estimate and they hesitate, run! Any legit business will be happy to provide you with a quote. Most will offer you one to show you how much they want your business. When they do offer you an estimate, make sure it also includes the fees for the following:
    1. Labor
    2. Service Call
    3. Parts
    4. Mileage fees, surcharges, emergency call fees
    5. Get it in writing
    6. Ask about licensing
    7. Ask if they are registered in their state
    8. Ask if they have insurance to cover any damages or losses

When Your Locksmith Arrives

  • Ask for identification upfront. Also be alert to the type of car or truck they are driving. Check to see if the name of the company is on it. If the vehicle has a different name from the company you hired, let them know you are not interested in services on that day and that you will be in touch. Don’t offer a reason just tell them it isn’t a good time and apologize for wasting their time.
  • Evaluate the written estimate offered to you and if it isn’t already written, ask them to write one for you. If the estimates do not match the prices that were initially provided to you, respectfully decline service. Let them know the prices do not match the ones you were offered initially. If they still are not willing to match the initial price estimate provided, go with another service provider.
  • Ask for credentials. If they are unable to show this to you, get another locksmith to handle the job.
  • A good locksmith asks for your id to make sure they are servicing the right person.
  • Read anything that the locksmith asks you to sign.
  • Do not let a locksmith drill your lock into place. If you notice a locksmith starting to do this, ask them to leave and hire another locksmith. An experienced locksmith will know this isn’t necessary in order to replace locks.
  • Make sue the locksmith provides you with an invoice and that the company name is on it in addition to listing the work they have performed.

Good service is definitely hard to find but it isn’t so bad when you know what to look for. There are a lot of locksmiths who will claim they are professional locksmiths but in actuality, they are not. They are simply people who have bought the equipment and taught themselves how to use them, not always properly either. This is why it is so important to rely on a trustworthy, reputable locksmith with the qualifications needed to handle the job.

You should know what you’re getting when you hire a locksmith. Take the time to choose wisely because it could end very badly if you do not. You may be out of more money than you expected and the job still may not be done right in the end.